Green Wood Art Hive
Full Schedule Coming Soon
Green Wood Art Hive is a stream of Green Wood Coalition, a community organization that builds relationships with people who have become disconnected, seeking to build a stronger community through outreach and creative programs.
Green Wood Art Hive
Fan the flames of your imagination as Green Wood Art Hive offers a variety of interactive, art-making opportunities throughout the Festival. Art Hive members will host free sessions that foster creativity, learning, and skill sharing. Materials will be provided at no cost.
Floral Crown Making is a great way to start the Festival in style. Create a traditional floral crown to wear throughout the weekend. We will provide natural materials and guidance for making your own beautiful headwear.
Short Order Poetry is a novel way to make a collaborative poem. We’ll connect you with a poet who will write some original verse, prompted by a few broad questions. The poet will take your ideas and words, combine them with their own thoughts, and compose a poem that will be printed with a manual typewriter and provided to you, free of charge.
Cut & Paste a Zine in this workshop where you’ll be introduced to zine culture and you’ll be shown a simple method for designing an 8-page mini zine that can be reproduced. A zine (pronounced “zeen”) is an independently published, small circulation book or Magazine.
Create Your Own Button in a session where we’ll show you how to make cool and interesting art in small scale. Take home some wearable art on a pin-back button.